Our process is simple and convenient.
At Texas Electric Broker, you can rely on our connections to the best commercial energy rates in the market. Our reviews speak for themselves as the past historical usage data (HUD) and the current market conditions enable you to identify energy options while issuing an RFP or request for proposal from top energy providers all over Texas. We will issue an RFP on behalf of your business for the following practical reasons.Providing energy & sustainability leadership
CONTROLLING COST AND MITIGATING RISK FOR YOUR COMPANYTexasElectricBroker provides energy management & sustainability services to organizations in a wide range of industries. Our team manages more than $910 million in annual energy spend for thousands of facilities. TexasElectricBroker challenges your organization to view energy and sustainability issues strategically, ensuring that all decisions support the financial and operational integrity of your business. We’re creative thinkers and have a passion for developing and implementing sustainable, financially-sound solutions. We are your independent and unbiased advocate, always focused on the best interests of your company. Let our unparalleled experience translate to efficient, effective results for you.
Energy Procurement.
CONTROL YOUR COSTS THROUGH STRATEGIC ENERGY PURCHASESPoor energy procurement decisions can be expensive. Energy prices fluctuate daily, which can significantly affect your energy bill and performance against budget. By taking a proactive approach to buying energy, you can better control your costs.
TexasElectricBroker specializes in purchasing energy on behalf of companies. We will lead you to strategic energy procurement that ensures you’re getting the best value for your energy dollar.
Our Approach
Instead of only using contract expiration dates as the sole driver for energy procurement, we identify strategic sourcing opportunities by constantly monitoring market dynamics to identify the best possible purchase opportunities. Our proactive approach allows you to capitalize on energy opportunities before they disappear.Our Support
We empower organizations to make informed, confident decisions based on our expertise in energy consulting. In an effort to guide your company through the complicated web of energy contracts, Texas Electric Broker provides one-on-one, personalized education and explanation. Throughout the RFP process, you can discuss any issue with your dedicated Client Energy Manager, a TEB advisor who acts as an extension of your company’s organizational chart to provide leadership for your energy management programOur Process
TexasElectricBroker reviews your past historical usage data to identify current energy purchasing options and issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) to procure energy for one of three reasons:1. Reverse Auctions present an opportunity to leverage top providers against one another
2. Obtaining 150+ offers is time consuming and impossible on the consumer side since rates change daily
3. Upcoming contract expirations require proactive action
After your company indicates a willingness to participate in an RFP, TexasElectricBroker sends the energy load to our supplier community of the top rated companies. We simplify the RFP process, resulting in more price-competitive, accurate and timely energy bids. In an industry where time can make-or-break a deal, the ease of TEB’s energy procurement process improves your company’s bottom line.
Our energy consulting experts review all responses and recommend the best option for you based on key factors like pricing, contract terms, product structures and credit conditions. When working with Texas Electric Broker, you receive clear guidance, not just a list of confusing choices. When your company approves a recommendation, TEB handles the transactional process and completes all relevant legal documentation.
Rate Analysis.
MINE DE-REGULATED ENERGY MARKETS FOR OPPORTUNITYMost organizations consider “rate analysis” to be the only tool for controlling cost in a de-regulated energy market. However, rate analysis represents just one of many useful methods for creating opportunity in a de-regulated environment. Rate analysis alone results in many stones left unturned and possibilities missed. Our extensive approach includes the following services:
1. Tariff Analysis - Our energy consultants recommend the tariff rate that best fits your company's energy usage pattern, operational needs and business objectives. In addition, we look for ways to control your costs by closely monitoring utility rate changes and any related impacts for your organization.
2. Utility Negotiations - Some energy usage patterns provide companies with leverage to negotiate with utilities for better contract conditions or rate structures. Texas Electric has the expertise to not only identify these opportunities for your organization, but also negotiate with the utility on your behalf from an informed unbiased position.
3. Tax Exemptions - Energy-related tax exemptions can bring significant savings for companies, but determining relevant opportunities requires extensive knowledge of specific operational details. Our energy consultants proactively identify energy-related tax exemptions applicable to your situation.
4. Utilities Management – Texas Electric has analysts devoted to specific markets, utilities and regulatory bodies. Our regional energy experts are acutely attuned to opportunities associated with specific utilities and geographic areas.
5. Utility Bill Auditing – Texas Electric audits can ensure the accuracy of your utility invoices through a robust auditing process. If we discover a billing error, we immediately resolve the issue on your behalf.
6. Budget Development - By applying our market intelligence to your company's historical energy consumption pattern, our energy professionals can forecast utility rates and energy costs for each of your facilities. Our customized and informed forecasts can lead your company to more accurate energy budgets.
We have the people, processes and technology needed to save money and improve energy efficiency for your organization. Thank you for giving our team the opportunity to manage & reduce your energy costs.